tools - PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS
Worked with designer to build showcase website and portfolio management system.
tools - PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS
Worked with designer to build showcase website and portfolio management system.
Evergreen Perinatal Education [site ]
tools - PHP, MySQL, Javascript, HTML, CSS
Site offering breast feeding and lactation classes for hospitals, nurses, and parents. Rebuilt website structure and design to make it easier for users to navigate and use. Built customized calendar system that allowed the site owner to update her own information and upload related files.
tools - PHP, MySQL, Javascript, AJAX (Prototype framework), Paypal API, USPS API, Flash, HTML, CSS
Built site and complete ecommerce solution including real time shipping estimates using Paypal and USPS APIs. Development included shopping cart and order management system.
tools - PHP, MySQL, Javascript, AJAX, HTML, CSS
Helped build site and admin backend, including a customizable online wine club, RSVP event system, wine education courses, and flexible templated newsletter generation.
Created while employed by SynapseCS.
tools - PHP, MySQL, Javascript, AJAX, HTML, CSS
Built driver tracker which allowed people to anonymously report road complaints of member drivers online. Paired with sophisticated backend client module to generate analysis and marketing reports. Intended for use with teenage or company car drivers.
Created while employed by SynapseCS.
tools - PHP, MySQL, Javascript, AJAX, Flash, GoogleMap API, HTML, CSS
Real estate site geared towards becoming the central source of REO professionals nationwide. Featured searchable Flash map of REO vendors and properties, automated lead generation, banner management, and templated newsletter creation.
Created while employed by SynapseCS.
Currently maintaining it separately from Synapse CS.
tools - PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS
Helped build wine ecommerce solution, including product and discount management, expanded wine club features, and customized reporting.
Created while employed by SynapseCS (formerly Arestia Design Studios).
BuyersVine [site ]
tools - PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS
Expanded member account features, including the ability to leave comments, rate wines, and customize personal profiles.
Built while employed by SynapseCS.
tools - PHP, MySQL, Paypal, HTML, CSS
Built online class registration system and administrative backend. Also have been serving as webmaster since 2005.
tools - PHP, MySQL, Paypal, HTML, CSS
Built basic shopping cart to handle cosmetics orders using Paypal and a LAMP setup.
tools - Drupal, handcoded CSS
Built and designed website for Threadz, a startup fashion magazine.
tools - handcoded HTML, CSS
Designed and built website for Duke's SF, fantasy, and horror magazine The Blind Spot.
With Walt Whitman in Camden:
Resources for NEH Evaluators
tools - Dreamweaver, Fireworks, CSS
Designed website for Duke’s NEH grant application for the “With Walt Whitman in Camden” digitizing project.
Science Vision:
Science & Multimedia
tools - Fireworks, Javascript, handcoded HTML, CSS
Designed website for “Science and Multimedia” house course. Used to present at Duke CIT’s 2004 Technology Showcase.